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Breathwork for Somatic Trauma Release

Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom. Viktor E.

Breathwork for Somatic Trauma Release is a powerful technique that brings the
body, mind and soul together in harmony and alignment.


    WHAT IS Breathwork for Somatic Trauma Release?

    As a result you can:
     Break patterns and behaviors that don’t serve you anymore.
     Re-wire the limiting beliefs in your subconscious mind.
     Enjoy the power of breathwork combined with acupressure therapy.
     Release emotions and trauma stored in your body since childhood..
     Regulate and strengthen your nervous system.
     Enjoy a stronger emotional mastery to respond rather than react.
     Reconnect with the empowering resources inside of you.
     Achieve self-growth and realization.

    Breathwork for Somatic Trauma Release helps you transform stored emotions and
    trauma into a source of self- empowerment and fulfillment.


    Breathwork for Somatic Trauma Release can help you if you:
     Struggle with depression, anxiety, sleep issues.
     Have unprocessed grief and loss.
     Suffer from unhealthy behaviors or patterns.
     Struggle to process strong emotions like anger and are easily
     Have experienced trauma at any age, whether you are conscious of it
    or not.
     Feel stuck in life and lost the ability to enjoy the simplest things.
     Suffer from physical ailments and pain in specific parts of your body.
     Live in fear mode.
     Reached unhealthy levels of control in all areas of your life.
     Lost your self-confidence and esteem.
     Find it hard to trust yourself or others.
     Always feel tired.


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      somatic trauma release
      somatic therapy dubai

      Did you know?

      Breathwork for Somatic Trauma Release


      Breathwork helps you access natural resources inside your body that are
      organically responsible for your happiness and well-being.


      Your breath says a lot about how you receive love, power, abundance and life in


      This breathwork works with your body to also re-program your subconscious
      mind and all the limiting beliefs that were created as a result of trauma and old

      Why choose Breathwork for Somatic Trauma Release?

      Breathwork for Somatic Trauma Release combines the breath with tension points
      in your body to create a powerful transformation in the body, mind and soul. It
      helps you:

       Transmute stored emotions and traumas into power.
       Re-wire your subconscious mind and belief system.
       Reconnect with the authentic parts of you that you forgot about.
       Achieve an emotional and physical detox for the body and mind.
       Regain your power, self-confidence and ability to be vulnerable.
       Reboot your emotional and physical wellbeing.
       Open your heart to receive and give love.
       Thrive in all areas of your life.

      somatic therapy
      somatic trauma release


      Transmute stored emotions and traumas into power.

      Reconnect with the authentic parts of you that you forgot about.

      Reboot your emotional and physical wellbeing.

      Re-connect to your intuition and sense of direction in life.

      Other recommended healing


      Sure thing. Our mind and body are connected and a lot of our beliefs, behaviours and patterns are linked to the emotional trauma stored in our body. Once that is released the mind follows. and be accurate.

      The stored traumas lead to physical and psychological ailments with time. When the energy is released and transmuted, a detox happens in the body and physical pain will go away.

      Not at all. The facilitator will lead you throughout the session on what needs to be done. You just need to be ready and open for experiencing change in your life.