Home of Wellness | Meditation Center in Dubai
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Do You Want to Transform Your Life?

Home of Wellness is a meditation and wellbeing center that provides  solutions to individuals, groups and corporates for  integrating mental, emotional and physical wellness. The center has daily activities, workshops and retreats that cater self development, growth, and life of harmony. Home of Wellness – Wellness Center want people to feel seen, heard and supported.

Do You Want to Transform Your Life?
What clients say about Home of Wellness

Read the success stories below. They are exactly the results you can expect when you work with us

Why We Do What We Do

We do this work because we want people to know that there are many tools available for them to feel better. We want people to feel accepted, supported and to guide them when needed. We support people in every state they are in and guide them at their own pace. We want to offer a place where you feel peace, love and get the attention you deserve. 

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Corporate Clientele
Dubai Holding
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How we can help you

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Overcome anxiety
It refers to focusing, concentrating and aligning one’s thoughts, mindfully, for getting into a relaxed state of mind and even reach transcendental states. A profound awareness is felt as if one is in a wakeful sleep providing immense clarity
Heal emotionally
The technique of Energy Healing helps in healing any issue, pain or disruption of the Energy flow in your Chakras & meridians in our bodies through the energy of the divine. We offer many forms of energy healing like Reiki, Pranic and chakra balancing.
Benefit/ use
Life Coaching helps you in figuring out the missing passion or the purpose of one’s life. It is also a great help for people who keep procrastinating their dream life. It improves the attention and focus of the individuals helping them to make quicker decisions.
Sound healing has been used since the ancient times. Sound healing uses sacred instruments producing vibrations that change the waves of the brain, releasing the blockage of energy for promoting a harmonious feeling in your body.
Benefit/ use
Yoga is a spiritual discipline that focuses on establishing harmony between mind, body, emotions, and spirit.
Benefit/ use
Tarot reading provides insight on making right choices and decisions, as well as helps to know about future.
Benefit/ use
Creating happiness and positivity among the employees. Corporate Wellness Programs help the employees in cultivating healthy habits and in improving their health, boosting productivity, increasing the engagement of the employees and increasing the investments for the human resource.
Benefit/ use
A guide to your subconscious mind to uncover the root of any issue that you are facing in your life now. You will be guided in this session inside your own self to have an understanding of where is this coming from.
Benefit/ use
Bringing your Chakra Centers to alignment. Chakra are the points of energy in our bodies that are required to stay aligned. This promotes good wealth and health.
Benefit/ use
Make space for a flow of positive energy. It brings back the harmony and balance of energy in your personal, living, and workspaces at very deep levels.  
Benefit/ use
Yogic Breath-work is an ancient science that correlates the breath with the sun, moon and the five elements, helping us to control moods, heal ailments and be attuned to the cosmic rhythm.
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Nutritional Therapy is the application of science and for promoting peak performance, care and health. This approach helps the individuals in addressing their nutritional balance and in supporting their body towards maintaining a good health.
Benefit/ use
Gut Detox is a hands-on manual treatment technique applied to the internal organs such as the lungs, liver, spleen, stomach, intestines, and colon, to help naturally release emotions stored deeply inside our organs. Once they're released, the vagus nerve will be relieved  sending positive messages to the brain. Eventually, making us feel better.
Benefit/ use
Transformational Holistic Breathing ® is a holistic approach that treats the human being in totality “MIND-BODY-SPIRIT & ENERGY”. THB® is the BEST way to release you repressed emotions that hold you back and to discover your true self.
Benefit/ use
Hypnotherapy helps in the creation of a bridge to the subconscious – where the imagination, emotions, intuition, memories, habits and the nervous system regulator resides.
Benefit/ use
The Full Moon as well as the New Moon have an effect on the body and mind. Owing to the planetary positions, a full moon night has a powerful effect during Meditation as there would be better alignment of energies to help you dive deeper into the meditation practice.
Benefit/ use
PSYCH-K is a simple, non-invasive and powerful modality that helps you achieve change in any area of your life. It works by re-programming old negative beliefs, conditioning, situations and traumas in the subconscious mind, into self-empowering beliefs that support your goals and new reality.
Benefit/ use
The intention of the ceremony is to enjoy the peace and serenity of the moment while assisting in energetic healing & gaining clarity in the areas of LOVE, purpose, intuition & spirituality.
Benefit/ use
Ice baths bring many people relief from all kinds of aches and pains. It’s also a safe way to relieve the pain caused by infections. Pain meter studies have shown a significant decrease in the pain expressed by subjects during the cold treatment period compared to the control period.
Benefit/ use
Laughter Yoga is a simple, yet revolutionary concept. It is being used by the people across the world increasingly and is a great workout for the complete well being. Everybody wants happiness and good health.
Benefit/ use
Rapid Transformational Therapy®️ (RTT) is a solution-oriented therapy based on neuroscience combining the most benefitting principles of Hypnotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Psychotherapy, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.
Benefit/ use
Access Bars is a gentle hands-on technique that quiets the mind. ‘Getting your Bars run’ (what we call it when you receive a session) allows people to lay back, not have to ‘do’ anything and just receive.
Benefit/ use
The Akashic Records are all that we have recorded in our Soul life, if we take into account that the memories of our Soul have no limit, we come to the conclusion that we are talking about “The Book of Infinite Wisdom”.
Benefit/ use
Crystal is an energy condenser which absorbs, stores, projects and focuses the subtle energies. Crystals functions as a rechargeable battery which absorbs, stores and  releases the electric energy. Similarly, a crystal absorbs, stores, projects and focuses the Pranic Healing.
Benefit/ use
Palm Reading does not only depict the future or reveal the past, but also helps to resolve one’s issues. The objective is to give people an additional tool to help identify the issues one is going to create.  
Benefit/ use
Standing on nails awaken fire energy, which moves up to the channels from the feet to the crown, removing blocks and clamps.You feel the heat coming up from the feet. If you have any blocks or trauma in your body you will feel this parts the most. The released energy cleans up the blocks.  
Benefit/ use
Qigong is an ancient Chinese and now scientifically proven modality that teaches us how to create natural Healing with the energy of life itself. Qigong is your long lasting vitality toolkit that you can use whether you are seeking natural healing, emotional balance, stress free pain relief or overall transformation.  


Benefits of Meditation and Healing

Meditation: A simple, fast way to reduce stress

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What our customers are saying


First, I thank God Almighty for directing me to this center
Me, my family, and my mother, each one of us had his own problem with him, thanks to God, and then thanks to the crew
The specialist in this center, we were able to reach the stage of peace and comfort.

..I was feeling frustrated and psychologically tired, and I was surprised why my life was difficult
Even my money was cut off. I was tired of not being able to move forward despite my knowledge and culture
And with self-development, I knew that there are internal obstacles such as the unconscious mind, the aura, and others, and from here I started
My trip
The beginning was with the specialist Abeer, who treated me with energy and liberated the roots of childhood that cause obstacles and nervousness in my life.

And then I started with Dr. David Abu Khalil
Specialized in removing stubborn and difficult negative energy from the body and the aura, and cleaning its effects on the physical, psychological and etheric levels.
And the problems of the body, the subconscious mind, the organic energy, and the removal of all kinds of harm

Blessed be God, he is the right person in the right place .. Dr. David Abu Khalil has the ability, thanks to God, to treat fear, anxiety and painful memories even for those who suffer from lack of sleep and in general all body problems
I advise you to go and make an appointment with Dr. David, and he has a free consultation in which he will explain to you about your condition and how to treat it.
I cannot describe my feelings towards them. I have all the love, appreciation and gratitude for them
Dr. David is one of the most wonderful people. God gave him a wonderful ability to treat people

For example, my mother, may God bless her, is 85 years old. She suffered from constant heartburn for three years, of course
We went to several hospitals, and they all had the same requests for x-rays and endoscopy
And a routine treatment… other than excessive nervousness
I went to the specialist Abeer, then Dr. Emad, and the specialist Madha
Praise be to God, she became better in stages, and the heartburn stopped coming, and the nervousness went away

Thanks and praise be to God first, and then for this wonderful center that brought together the best and most skilled doctors and specialists
Thank you thank you thank you
from heart

اولا اشكر الله سبحانه أنه دلني لهذا المركز
انا وعائلتي وأمي كل واحد فينا كان عنده مشكلته الخاصه فيه وبفضل من الله ثم بفضل الطاقم
المختص بهذا المركز قدرنا اننا نوصل لمرحلة السلام والراحه .

..كنت أشعر بالإحباط والتعب النفسي وكنت مستغربه ليه امور حياتي متعسره
حتى المال عندي مقطوع كنت تعبانه اني مش قادرة اخطو للأمام بالرغم من علمي وثقافتي
ومع تطوير الذات عرفت انه يوجد معوقات داخليه من العقل اللاواعي و الهالة وغيرها ومن هنا بدأت
فكانت البداية مع الاخصائية عبير فعالجت لي الطاقة وحررت جذور الطفولة التي تسبب المعوقات والعصبيه بحياتي..

ومن ثم بدأت مع الدكتور ديفيد ابوخليل
متخصص بإزالة الطاقة السلبية المستعصية والصعبة من الجسم ومن الهالة، وتنظيف آثارها على المستوى الجسدي والنفسي والأثيري
و مشاكل الجسم والعقل الباطني والطاقة العضوية وفك جميع انواع الاذى

تبارك الله هو الشخص المناسب بالمكان المناسب ..دكتور ديفيد ابو خليل يمتلك القدرة بفضل من الله على علاج الخوف والقلق والذكريات المؤلمه حتى لمن يعاني من عدم النوم وبشكل عام كل مشاكل الجسم
انا انصحكم تروحوا وتاخذوا موعد مع دكتور ديفيد وهو عنده استشارة مجانية يشرح لكم فيها عن حالتكم وكيفية علاجها
أعجز عن وصف شعوري تجاههم أكن لهم كل الحب والتقدير والامتنان
الدكتور ديفيد من أروع الناس فقد مده الله بقدره رائعه لعلاج الناس

فمثلا والدتي عمرها تبارك الله 85 سنه كانت تعاني من حرقة المعدة المستمره لمدة ثلاث سنوات طبعا
رحنا للعديد من المستشفيات وكلهم نفس الطلبات اشعه و منظار
وعلاج روتيني …غير العصبية الزايده
راحت عند الاخصائية عبير ثم دكتور عماد و الاخصائية مدهه
والحمدلله صارت أحسن بمراحل ارتاحت وبطل الحرقة تجيها والعصبية راحت

الشكر والحمدلله اولا ثم لهذا المركز الرائع الي جمع افضل وأمهر الدكاتره و المختصين
شكرا شكرا شكرا
من القلب

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About US

A place to reconnect with your inner spirit. It is your safe space. Your Home. Surrounded by natural beauty with an awe-inspiring ambiance, our Center gives you an opportunity to care for your spiritual growth. Our Healing Sessions and Solutions for a deeply restorative and transformational experience.

Home of Wellness invite you to visit sanctuary that is utterly blissful, residing as a jewel in the city. Home of Wellness is a center for meditation and wellness, offering the greatest energy to you. We have Guided Meditation, Retreats, Gut Detox, Programs for Quit Smoking, Wellness Courses, Anger Management, Weight Loss therapies along with healing therapies such as Energy Healing, Yoga Classes, Space Clearing, Corporate Wellness, Coaching, Chakra Healing, Reiki Healing, Pranic Healing, Crystal Healing, Sound Healing, Tarot Reading, Palm Reading, Lucia LightPsych K, Cacao CeremonyIce BathAkashic Records and a lot more. Home of Wellness is a Wellness Center that helps you in experiencing the highest versions of yourselves that life has to offer through life changing therapies by our expert hand picked practitioners.

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  • 1 Describe your issue or query Write to us and tell us what your question or issue is.
  • 2 We'll recommend We will 'hook you up' with the right practitioner and the right therapy that you need.
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