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The Mental Benefits of Feng Shui


Feng shui also known as geomancy is an ageless Chinese art of placement that is fairly deeper than merely placing furniture or decorating spaces. It is a kind of philosophy that corresponds to human life in the context of the environment and aims at a balanced direction. Nowadays, both neophytes and professionals turn to geomancy for its beneficial impact on psychology, which guides people to attain spiritual wellness and a better life. This blog aims to discuss the advantages of shifting towards the use of geomancy, how it is helping many individuals boost their well-being, and why everyone is running after it especially when living in a fast paced world’s city such as Dubai. In this blog, we will get to know about the feng shui benefits

The term Feng means wind and Shui means water literally. It is all about the path of energy, or chi, in the environment in question. This practice relates to the usage of spaces in order to encourage the proper circulation of energy for development of environments that are conducive for proper living. The principles of geomancy are known to rely on the fundamental belief that the environment has a strong impact on a person’s psychological condition or even the general well-being of the entire population.


The Five Elements Of Feng Shui



Elan is the symbol of health, young spirit, and creativity. They are very flexible and promote growth and diversification.


It represents such aspects as passion, transformation, and energy. It inspires and motivates the people towards achieving the organizational goals and objectives.


Symbolizes harmonization with the forces of life and life sustainment, spiritual orientation. It helps to establish the balance and provide a feeling of security.


Introduces clarity, preciseness and focus towards the study. It improves the mental aspect and creates discipline in an individual.


Suggests fluidity, instinct and/or knowledge. Contemplation and relaxation is something that is promoted in this case.


The elements described in this article should be introduced to homes in order to help foster long-lasting and healthy minds.


Feng Shui Benefits

The relation between the environment and mental health is closely interconnected. geomancy also applies the principles of well arrangement of a space, directing it for achieving one’s mental comfort, decreased levels of stress, and increasing Emotional health. Here are some key ways in which feng shui benefits mental health:


  1. Reducing Stress and Anxiety

The primary implementation of geomancy is to help decrease stress and anxiety levels. Disorganization of the environment brings about a disorderly feeling, which results in stress. To some extent, geomancy is about cleaning, sorting and arranging items in a place, which in turn provides a form of orderliness that leads to relaxation. Cleanliness contributes to the relaxation of the mind since it is free from clutter thereby ensuring that stress levels are low.


  1. Enhancing Focus and Productivity

Geomancy can be very valuable in boosting the attentiveness and effectiveness, which makes it appropriate to apply at the working places or home based business. Thus, people can enhance their productivity through proper placement of furniture and ornaments with the direction of energy. Aspects such as lighting, chairs, and placement of various plant species can be said to improve the working and studying conditions.


  1. Promoting Emotional Balance

Affects have to be balanced so that a human psyche could maintain its proper functioning. Geomancy recommends the application of accessories in people’s living environment to make the users emotionally stable through considerations of color, shape, and elements. Soothing colors of sky and grass, or sea and trees can be attributed to the cool color range of blue and green on the one hand and the stimulating colors of fire and sun in red and orange on the other hand. When we manage to increase the correspondence between the environment and our emotional requirements, the balance is achieved and the mind is found at ease.


  1. Fostering Positive Relationships

Environment even in houses, plays a part in social relationships since the design and makeup of the environment we live in affects the environment we use for our social relationships. geomancy also states that the correct arrangement of furniture in the rooms should facilitate proper communication between the occupants in the house. Coordinating arrangements of furniture to enhance communication is one way through which people can enhance their relationships and feel the sense of belonging. Love, understanding, and cooperation among family members and friends are the result of a balanced home atmosphere.


  1. Encouraging Self-Care and Relaxation

As you know, modern society is extremely active, and people often do not have time for themselves. Another can be said about geomancy which supports development of areas where people can rest and recharge. This can be a space for reading, a meditating corner or a nice bathroom to give people a hint that it is important to calm down and take care of an individual sometimes. Thus, when one indulges in self-care, it becomes possible to have proper work-life balance.


Wrapping it up!

To be able to appreciate the mental advantage, implement geomancy literally and individually. Begin with space clearance, which helps in cutting down stress among people and helps in clearing their mind. Implement large and clear glass windows and doors, bring green statements in to introduce elements of life into office spaces. Stress down colors like blues and greens for relaxation and have specific sections for relaxation and pampering. It is necessary to have a proper plan so that there is healthy energy circulation and everyone feels comfortable to interact with others. To better relax oneself, one has to incorporate water as an element and balance both Yin and Yang to achieve the geomancy objectives. The following steps are not extraordinary recommendations that may assist in building up a positive setting for mental health:

Geomancy cannot be considered a mere factor, which can result in the improvement of appearance; there are many positive effects which are reflected in the cognitive sphere. Hence, it is possible to have areas, designs and facilities that promote mental health leading to less stress, concentration, stable emotions, and good relations. Geomancy is an outstanding solution that helps to keep the balance in such an active city as Dubai; despite the tough living tempo and unbelievable amount of entertainment. No matter whether you need to change your house atmosphere, lift your productivity at work, or build helpful interpersonal connections, geomancy will point you in the right direction towards the achievement of personal and universal happiness. Let yourself and your home be shaped by the positive magical energy and find out how beneficial the practice of geomancy is for your psychological state. So if you want to gain the most out of feng shui benefits for mental health, simply visit us at Home of Wellness. Our professional will help you in the best way possible.