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Introduction to Family Constellation Therapy

The discourse on “nature vs nurture” has been heavily debated in the field of psychology for many decades now. The supporters of each have their own logical arguments on whether an individual’s personality is a result of his inherent nature or the impact of his immediate environment. There is a third group, which proposes that a person’s character is an outcome of both. If we look from this frame of thought, we can assume that whoever we are today and whoever we will become is a consequence of both our genetics and the influence of our family. Lets discuss more about family constellation therapy 

Understanding the basics

The objective of this therapy is to unveil the hidden relational dynamics and how they impact the individual’s current issues. A life coach covers all fields of your life. While this therapy is designed to tackle issues that are more systematic in nature, like the relationship between family members, where the actions of one influence the others. It aims to give you awareness about your family of origin and its impacts on your ongoing life problems.

Contemporary approach to Hellinger’s theory

You may feel hesitant to join our family constellation Dubai session due to the criticism associated with the original theory by German psychologist Bert Hellinger. The theory was formed through Hellinger’s interest in the traditions of the Zulu tribe (natives of South Africa) in the 1950s. Many people find his practice ethically immoral as many of the beliefs that he practiced in his workshops were quite problematic. Although the roots of family constellation lie in his work, the therapy currently practiced is much more in trend with contemporary therapeutic methods.

This therapy can aid you in:
• untangling patterns of dis-loyalty, abandonment
• dealing with unprocessed childhood trauma
• breaking down conflicts within a dysfunctional family
• managing health issues both chronic and acute in nature
• removing any hidden blockage hindering your personal and professional growth
• combating mental health issues like anxiety
• overcoming addiction

Choosing the method that works best for you

There are two major settings for conducting a session.

Group session:

In a group setting, the therapist may use the technique of role-play. The problem of one person is addressed at a time. The therapist may ask others to represent members of the seeker’s (the individual whose problem is being addressed) family. The seeker is then asked to spatially arrange all the participants. They form a constellation. Through analyzing the positioning and interaction between the participants, the therapists helps the seeker in observing, and identifying various family dynamics, and guide them on how to break free from these repetitive patterns.


Through the power of observation, the seeker can understand how the relationships within the members of family influence others.  Through the expression of emotions by other participants, the seeker also learns to empathize with the perspective of other members of their family.

One-on-one session

You can also choose to opt for an individual session with your facilitator. In this format, the participants are replaced with objects. These are representatives for members of your family. You can position these objects based on your intuition and your therapist will guide you on the meaning behind their positions, unveiling the roles and dynamics between family.


If you are an introvert or simply feel uncomfortable in a large social setting or feel uncomfortable sharing your problems with strangers, individuals’ sessions can provide you with a safe space to express your feelings.

How will our family constellation Dubai session be of help to you?


Breaking the destructive patterns: through the identification of destructive dynamics between family members that have been passed down from generation, you will be able to free yourself and unlearn toxic behaviour patterns.

Confronting childhood trauma: you may also be able to resolve and let go of your childhood traumas. Many people use this therapy as a way to confront family members who have caused significant childhood trauma. If the family member has passed on, or they feel unsafe or uncomfortable addressing them in real life, they can express their feelings to the participant portraying as the family member.

Uncovering the concealed loyalties: the seeker may have hidden bonds of loyalties with someone from their family of origin. They may unconsciously be carrying the burdens. Through comprehending this linkage with their ancestral lineage, they can learn to change their life for the better and free themselves from these unseen burdens.

Dealing with unprocessed grief: there might be some unprocessed grief or loss in your family of origin. You may still be carrying that pain without even being aware of it. Your therapist will help you in processing this grief.

Building better family dynamics: after your therapist has explained the dynamics between your family and its impacts, they will rearrange the participants and objects in a way that they represent a healthier structure. To teach you the importance and impacts of healthier family dynamics.

Let’s wrap it up

Through this therapy, you not only free yourself from the hidden stressors but also prevent passing it down to your future generations. Thus breaking the cycle of transgenerational trauma. If you are searching for a “family constellation near me”, book your session with us today!