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Using Hypnotherapy for Pain Management


Chronic pain is so prevalent that millions of people suffer from it thus experiencing physical pain right from the physical aspect of their body. Conventional medicine practices pain management through administration of drugs or through surgery in contrast to hypnotherapy that is currently recommended as an alternative therapy for pain management. The use of hypnosis therapy has recently received a lot of attention as a safer means of handling chronic pain, which is a solution that targets the subconscious self. If you are looking for a natural way to relieve yourself of pains in Dubai then you should visit a hypnotherapist Dubai.

What Is Hypnosis Therapy And How Does It Work?

Hypnosis therapy is a treatment process in which a person is induced into a trance and their critical conscious thoughts are bypassed with the help of positive suggestions. It is a process that is done by a hypnotherapist with the aim of getting into the subconscious mind of the patient through putting the said patient into a deep sleep. This tends to make the mind more susceptible to recommendations hence facilitating a directional change towards the positive, preferred thoughts and behaviors among other aspects.

As for the aspect of pain control, hypnosis therapy plays a role when there is a switch of how the brain interprets pain messages. It helps the patient to manage pain stimuli exposure and degenerates pain intensity and enhances the quality of the emotional state. Hypnotherapists Dubai can assist people deal with pain that is associated with several diseases, including migraines, arthritis, fibromyalgia and after-surgery pain.


Benefits Of Hypnotherapy Therapy

Hypnosis therapy for pain management offers several benefits that make it an attractive alternative to conventional treatments:

Non-invasive and Drug-free

The first incomparable benefit of hypnosis therapy can be mentioned as its non-invasive nature. Hypnosis therapy is also different from medication where one may get side effects or even get used to the treatment. The process aims at the patient’s psychological aspect thus making it easier to relieve pain without medication. Therefore hypnosis therapy is ideal for those in search of healthier ways of managing their pain rather than popping pain pills.

Applicable to a Large Number of Diseases

Hypnosis therapy has been used as a technique in the management of a number of pain related disorders. It can help diminish the severity of chronic pain such as back pain, nerve pain, and arthritis joint pain. People with trauma or post-operation that experience acute pain can also take advantage of hypnosis therapy. 

Improves Emotional Well-being

This phenomenon has always been associated with anxiety, stress and cases of depression in patients. Hypnosis therapy for all the therapy sessions also helps to cope with pain, whereas anxiety and relaxation are improved. For their pain, the patient gets less stressed after their nervous system has been eased hence a better life.

Long-lasting Results

While medications can merely mask an illness for an allot of time, the results of hypnotherapy are controllable to last. Due to the fact that it influences the management of pain by altering the patient’s perception of it, hypnosis therapy helps bring about permanent changes during the sessions. In many cases, the patients testify that the frequency of sessions helps to alleviate the pain considerably.

Home of wellness provides Dubai hypnotherapy sessions for Pain Management sessions with experienced hypnotherapist Dubai. Experts establish friendly physical proximity and establish good rapport with the patients so that they do not feel strained during the therapy. It is for this reason that Home of wellness provides best hypnotherapy in Dubai.

Is Hypnosis Therapy for You?

Hypnosis therapy is now considered to be one of the safest ways of approaching many people who suffer from chronic pain. It is most helpful for those who want to find other ways of managing pain that does not involve medication. Looking for a hypnotherapist Dubai? You should definitely make an appointment at Home of Wellness. We have trained therapists to assist you to achieve your desired goals of using natural ways to manage your pain.

Hypnotherapy Dubai cost differ due to factors such as the qualification of the therapist, duration of the session as well as the number of sessions one has to undertake. At Home of Wellness, we seek to provide Dubai hypnotherapy accessible options to people who need natural pain remedies. 


Hypnosis therapy is a natural way of dealing with pain without the use of substances such as opioids and with any form of surgery. This is because by engaging the subconscious, it retrains the patient’s manner of dealing with pain hence offering permanent relief. At Home of Wellness, certified therapists are knowledgeable in hypnosis therapy treatment and will offer you customized hypnosis therapy sessions for controlling the pain. Regardless of whether you are suffering from chronic or acute pain, there is no doubt that hypnotherapy is more of a solution than a solution.