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The History Of Energy Healing


Energy healing spans various cultures dating many, many centuries back. Techniques and philosophies abound in bringing one’s body energy systems back into balance and harmony. Varied and age-old, it evolved into day-to-day practices that mold the basis for the contemporary settings wherein popular energy healing session thrive today in places like Dubai. In this article, there is a history of healing through energy, from its roots to its present-day applications.


Ancient Origins of Energy Therapy


Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is 2,000 years old and one of the oldest forms of energy therapy. According to TCM, when the flow of Qi is smooth and balanced in our internal environment (body), health will be maintained. But a blockage or imbalance can cause poor circulation that results in illness or pain. They manipulate the Qi with acupuncture, acupressure, and Qigong that are considered bodyworks designed to bring back balance for healing.

Ayurveda is an oldest form of energy therapy. By applying various methods such as being involved in relaxing activities, taking herbal remedies, yoga or deep meditation, Ayurvedic treatment tries to create equilibrium among the Doshas. Mainly the life force or the vital energies of the body. that Feeling better and avoiding diseases will come from.


Indigenous medicinal systems

Nearly all indigenous people throughout the globe engage in these genuine systems of medicine. For example: Native American Healing Practices; It is these practices that show us how these activities draw energy from the environment, rather than from other sources. They focus on the natural world and how every living thing is interconnected. They are also done to strengthen the shamanic process and remove negative energies to restore the energy balance of a person the same way plants can bring balance to an environment.


Energy Therapy’s Expansion and Growth in the West


The Rise of Eastern Influences:

The interest in Eastern philosophies, started by Western countries during the late 19th century and early 20th century. This period also saw the introduction of such practices as yoga, meditation, and acupuncture to westerners. The counterculture movement of the 1960s fueled interest in alternative healing methods that opened up energy healing sessions to a wider range of people.

The Birth of Reiki

This form of energy therapy was developed in Japan in the early years of the twentieth century by Mikao Usui and it became globally known in the second half of this century. The practitioners move their hands on top or close to the recipient’s body while channeling universal life energy into it with an aim to correct imbalances within a body and initiate self-healing. Simplicity is sometimes best according to many schools of thought, hence reiki stands out as one of those forms practiced most widely today.

Modern Energy Therapy

In recent years, however, energy therapy has evolved alongside today’s modern wellness options. Styles like Therapeutic Touch, Healing Touch, Quantum Touch have emerged each having its own unique way through which they manipulate energy for healing purposes. These types are often used together with conventional medical treatments thus demonstrating increasing trends towards holistic health care approaches.

Scientific Views on Energy Therapy

Placebo Effect and the Power of a Belief:

Another hypothesis in the light of energy therapy is the placebo effect. It is a reaction showing genuine improvement in condition because of the fact that people merely think that they are undergoing treatment. The power of belief and positive expectations can trigger physiological responses to healing. Probably, it is this supportive, calming environment created energy healing session that adds up and boosts this placebo effect, enabling the person toward well-being.

Dubai has become a global hub for wellness and holistic health with practitioners coming from all over the world to find it out. Some seekers go overseas to Dubai where it is easy to get integrated into the multicultural population hence getting some treatments that can suit them well. From ordinary Reiki sessions up to the latest energy therapy techniques, Dubai’s wellness centers offer a diverse range of options for everyone. So if you are in Dubai search for energy healing Dubai or energy healing near me and book yourself an energy healing session.


Healing through energy  is an age-old practice spanning across cultures which continues to thrive in modern wellness landscapes like Dubai. Starting from time immemorial techniques through the present day, it offers a holistic approach towards health involving the body, mind and spirit. Today, there are countless types of energy healing sessions that can be used for relaxation, balance or for specific health problems. So many choices are available today to experience deeply the transformative power of energetic healing, any type is accessible.

Understanding history and principles associated with energy therapy helps one appreciate its timeless importance and application towards improving our well-being. In addition, as science begins to uncover mechanisms underlying these practices, integrating them into mainstream wellness will likely increase thereby expanding possibilities for holistic health and well-being. So do not wait and get in touch with us at home of wellness and book an energy healing session. Let our professionals help you in healing energy. Happy Healings!