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Sound Healing Therapy for Chakra Balancing


All of us are embedded in the fabric of the universe. Our bodies are connected to the cosmos through a life force, otherwise known as Prana Energy that flows through our bodies, vitalizing our souls. There are energy centers in our bodies that control the flow of this energy, making sure that there is harmony in its circulation throughout the mind, body and spirit. These are known as Chakras. It is necessary for our emotional and physical well-being that these remain unclogged, so the energy can move freely. Some factors like undergoing a traumatic event can block these nodes. Due to this you may experience some negative physical and emotional symptoms. In this article, we will explore how a sound healing session can be the ultimate cure for balancing your Chakras.

The Significance of Sound Healing therapy for Chakra healing

Have you ever had unexpected problems cropping your life out of nowhere? Maybe you simply feel that your vibe is off lately but are unable to pinpoint a reason for it. This is where your Chakras come in. Although some people believe that there may be 114 total Chakras in our bodies most agree that there are 7 major ones. They go from the root of your spinal cord to the center part of your head. Each one is connected to different organs or emotions and performs a unique function. If they are unbalanced or there is some sort of barrier in your energy circulation, they may become underactive or overactive. Hence, causing problems in your life.

If you are still with me and have caught onto the lore of Chakras, you must be wondering “So, why exactly should I opt for a sound healing session, again? The answer is relatively simple. You see, each organ in our body has its own unique vibrational frequency. You can imagine them as musical beats and when they align with each other they make a melodious song. Similarly, when the vibration of each organ is in perfect harmony with the others as well as the universe, our energy circulation is ideal. When one is impacted, it ruins the symphony of all the others. In a sound healing session, the practitioner uses tools like bowls, gongs, drums and mantras to create frequencies that can resonate with the frequency of your organs. These sound waves reinstate the balance of energy flow by removing the obstacles in its path, ensuring the activation of our energy nodes. Let’s take a brief look at some of the main chakras, the problems their unalignment may cause and how sound therapy can help.

  • Root chakra

It is associated with our innate feelings or our basic needs such as stability and security. Its blockage may cause physical symptoms in the lower body. Emotionally you may feel insecure within yourself. With the use of the 396 HZ frequency, sound healing can stabilize the root chakra, alleviating all these symptoms.

  • Sacral Chakra

Located below the navel, its stoppage may impact your creativity and cause sexual dysfunction. It also affects our reproductive organs. 417 Hz is used to restore its balance.

  • Solar Plexus Chakra

The use of 528 Hz can solve problems with this chakra such as lack of self-esteem, along with reducing the functioning of the digestive system.

  • Heart Chakra

Located near the heart, this chakra is linked with the feelings of true love, happiness, empathy and much more. Issues with it may cause you to feel jealousy, distrust, and hatred and develop diseases linked to the heart and lungs. 639 Hz, is commonly used to cure these concerns.

  • Throat chakra

Ever felt like you couldn’t express yourself properly? You may have an obstruction in this chakra. Its congestion may cause throat issues like a soar throat and other thyroid diseases.  741 HZ is known to assist in the alleviation of these symptoms.

  • Third eye chakra

So, a person whose gut feelings are often right, may have good energy flow in this chakra. Blockage of this can make you unsure of your instinctive feelings. You may also experience hallucinations, migraines, nightmares and dizziness among other symptoms. In our sound healing Dubai session, we make use of 852 HZ frequency to heal problems associated with this chakra.

  • Crown Chakra

feeling confused about your purpose in life? There may be an issue with your crown chakra. Located at the top of your head, connects you with the universe. 936 Hz can resolve these issues.

Wrapping it up!

Chakra balancing is a foundational practice in holistic healing. Its blockage can give rise to a number of physical and psychological problems. Looking for ‘sound healing near me’? Join us at Home of Wellness and harmonize your Chakras with our sound therapy to experience a wonderful change in your life.