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Six Approaches to Intuitive Readings

Have you ever had a strong feeling like something is either right or wrong, but you don’t have a reason to explain why?

Maybe you have experienced a weird coincidence that does not feel like a coincidence but a meaningful message from the universe, but you find it hard to rationalize it with logic.

This is called intuition, the innate ability of the human mind ‘to know’ without consciously thinking about something. Hence, intuition can be a compelling guiding force as it transcends the boundaries of rationality and encourages us to trust our instincts when making decisions.

The Art of Intuition

Everything in the universe is based on energy. Each one of us has a unique energy that we exchange with others through verbal or physical interaction. An Intuitive reader has a high sense of intuition and can use this gift to tap into our energy and offer insight into our soul journey and life path. They act as a medium between our inner self and the universe by using their intuition to translate the messages of the universe that we may not be able to perceive ourselves.

Types of Intuitive Readings

People opt for these readings for a variety of different reasons. Some may want to tap into their past trauma to find ways to heal from it, while some may be looking for solutions for their current problems, and others may want to maximize their inner potential with the help of a reader. The general purpose of these sessions, however, is to give an in-depth insight into the person’s soul journey and life path. Intuitive readings can be compared to tuning into a radio station and catching signals that can’t be seen. By using intuitive abilities, readers can find what cannot be seen by looking from a Lens of intuition rather than rationality.

How these sessions are conducted is unique to the reader, based on their intuition. They explore different levels of consciousness, interpret energies, and even access Akashic records (a term used in Theosophy believed to hold the history of the entire soul since the dawn of creation). Readers may use different tools like cards or use their intuitive abilities like clairvoyance (seeing), clairaudience (hearing), clairsentience (feeling), Clair cognizance (knowing), Clairalience (smelling), and Clair Gustance (tasting) to conduct their readings.

Following are the different types of readings:

Tarot Cards

Tarot reading involves the use of 78 cards divided into groups of two: the major arcana, which has 22 cards, and the minor arcana, which has 56 cards. The readers interpret the symbolism and imagery of these cards to gain an insight into your past, present, and future. It can  be a source of spiritual guidance in making important decisions and solving problems by offering new perspectives as well as better under understanding about your inner selves.


It is the belief that your destiny is literally ‘in your own hands.’ It is the art of reading and interpreting the lines, shapes, and textures of the hand to understand one’s personality and purpose in life and predict future events.

Astrology Reading:

Almost every other person knows their star sign and a thing or few about it. One of the most popular types of reading is astrology. It is the process of deriving insights about an individual’s personality by analyzing the positions of stars and planets at the moment of their birth. Astrological reading can help in gaining a better understanding of your personality, such as your strengths, weaknesses, emotional tendencies, and compatibility with others.


Psychometry is a type of psychic reading in which a psychometrist uses their intuitive ability to interpret the energy of an object by touching or holding it.  This ability to receive information through touch is believed to come from the energy or vibrations that objects carry from their owners or environments. Psychometry is often used to provide insights into past events, understand the history of an object, or connect with the emotions and experiences of people associated with it.

Aura reading

It involves the reading and interpretation of the energy field surrounding a person’s body, which cannot be seen by the naked eye. Aura readers can sense colors and patterns around the body because of their intuitive ability. Every color has its own connection with the individual’s overall health

Wrapping it up

Intuition is a potent source of guidance that transcends the boundaries of logic and emphasizes the power of instinct. Professionals with a high sense of intuition can help us in self-exploration and discovering our life path. These readings are conducted using various intuitive abilities, tools, and methods to obtain insight into a person’s inner self.  If you have read this blog and are now intrigued to find a reader, then look no further, as Home of Wellness offers the best intuitive reading sessions.