The universe is full of mysteries and some of them cannot be solved through rationality alone. This is where our intuition comes in which can guide us in decoding the mysteries of our life. One such way to utilize our instinct is by the art of Tarot reading. The use of these cards for greater self-understanding has been around for ages in various traditions. It offers clarity by giving you insights into your life. The process usually consists of 72 cards with each card holding symbolic value. A card is drawn and its meaning is decoded with regard to the seeker’s query. For this article, we will explore the use of multiple cards in a reading and how to draw the hidden messages through their combination and interaction.
The Use of Multiple Cards
Drawing multiple cards might seem a little confusing when it comes to deciphering the message behind them. For a single card, you draw the card and interpret its meaning. However, the use of multiple cards is based on analyzing each card with regard to the others to understand their interpretation. Multi-card Tarot reading is like combining pieces together to formulate a coherent story to reveal hidden aspects and explore the different layers of meaning. Let’s take a look at some of the things you need to look for when identifying hidden messages using multiple cards.
- Repetition: If you are using multiple cards in a Tarot card reading, start by looking for any repeated symbols, suits or numbers. A repeated pattern could be pointing towards a central theme in the message these cards represent. For example, if you drew three cards with ‘Pentacles’ symbol in common it could be interpreted as financial or material success and stability in a career reading. Similar is the case for repeated numbers as they can hint at an underlying energy.
- Combination: When drawing multiple cards, the most obvious factor you need to consider is their combination. These cards could be like pieces of a puzzle that are putting forward a unified message. These cards could be complementing each other and presenting a complete picture or there could be some conflicting details. Analyzing these details can help you in finding underlying messages.
- Intuition: If you love tarot reading, you may already know that one of the key factors in their evaluation is the reader’s intuition. For multiple cards, you should trust your gut feeling rather than trying to understand everything with logic. Pay attention to every detail and feel the way these cards emotionally affect you. After all, reading Tarot cards is a way to gain better understanding of your true self. Observing all the details through your intuitive ability will allow you to find hidden details that might not be obvious from a rational perspective.
- Context: The most significant detail to consider in order to find hidden meaning is the context of the Tarot Reading. For this, you need to consider two major details. First, observe the overall energy that the cards are carrying. It could be a healing, warning or transformative energy. The second thing to consider is the seeker’s query which sets the context in a session. Hence, it is important to take a moment and reflect upon the querent’s query to evaluate the overall narrative because hidden details might only make sense when placed in the overall narrative.
- Position: A major element in identifying the concealed details is to understand the spread and the placement of each card since each position has a particular meaning with regard to the past, future or current reality of the situation. Taking into consideration your spread and its formation whether it is a Three-card spread or Celtic cross spread will also help you in its interpretation. For example, in a three-card spread, the cards could be pointing toward the current reality, the challenges you will encounter and the outcome.
Wrapping It Up!
Reading Multiple Tarot cards can offer greater sense of understanding of your query and enable you to explore different levels of interpretation. It can be a very insightful experience if done correctly. Hence, we recommend you to try this method with an expert reader to ensure the maximum benefit. So, if you are searching for Tarot reading near me, look no further as we have the best tarot reader in Dubai! Contact us today and book your session!