We live in an era where uniqueness has lost its charm and we are all in trying to fit in with whatever the latest trends are. Most of us have no idea of who we truly are and are just wearing masks to blend in with others. However, this can get exhausting and it leads us to question who we truly are beyond what other perceive us to be. In a time like this, Human Design Therapy is a beacon of hope as it allows us to peel off the layers of societal conditioning to discover our authentic self. It gives us the courage to stand out by validating our individuality. Self-discovery is a broad concept but for this blog we will give you guidance on how this therapy can lead you on down the path of meeting the real you.
Learning the Basics
If you are a beginner then allow us to introduce you to some basics about human design. It is a holistic therapy which makes use of knowledge of astrology, chakras and principles of physics to form a strategic method of self-discovery. The practitioner will use information like when and where you were born to generate a body graph. If you have already done some research than you might have come across a picture of this chart which could have just seemed like a bunch of figures and drawings. Hence, we recommend that you book a session with a certified professional who are trained in reading them. These graphs are your energetic blueprint. They tell you about your personal traits, talents and nature.
The Process of ‘Unbecoming’ through Human Design Therapy
As soon as we enter the stage of cognitive development, we start learning from those around us. So, from a very early age we are trained into becoming what the world expects us to be. We learn what is right and what is wrong according to the beliefs passed down to us from older generations. So, our understanding of the world is rooted in a binary of black and white. Life becomes an exhausting cycle of pleasing others by following in their foot-steps and fulfilling the role the society expects from us. Sooner or later, we end up exhausted and life starts becoming meaningless. Hence, it is essential to discover our true self through human design therapy because every single person is special and needs to find their own purpose. You can only find it by reconditioning yourself in accordance of who you truly are at your core.
How would It benefit you?
Accepting who you are
Letting go of societal conditioning will allow you to embrace your truth. Being self-aware about your individuality will motivate you to let go of comparisons and do things at your own pace.
Making good choices
Understanding your energy type and authority will allow you to make better decisions that align with your personality. You will learn to trust your instinct and pursue what feels right. This will give you the courage that you need to follow your dreams.
Choosing the right environment
In a Human design Dubai session, you will also learn about the strategies you can use to navigate your life according to your aura type. This will assist you in choosing the right environment to make sure that you don’t end up feeling exhausted or burnt out.
Changing your perspective
Once you gain more information about your personality, you get a chance to evaluate yourself in order to dissect what your flaws and strengths are. It will shift your perspective which creates a space for constructive criticism and growth.
Wrapping It Up!
Knowing yourself beyond all the facade can empower you to live a life of joy and fulfilment. Hence, we recommend searching for Human design near me to join us at Home of Wellness. We promise to help you on your magical journey through our human design sessions in Dubai.