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How Corporate Meditation Can Improve Employee Retention?


Working for a big corporation is a goal that many young people have. However, the rate at which employees are quitting their jobs is becoming increasingly alarming. Despite spending years and millions on education for their dream job, many talented people end up leaving due to dissatisfaction with their company. Losing such talent and experience is a huge loss for the organization and it impacts their growth in a number of ways. Hence, wellness programs like corporate meditation are the need of the hour for making sure that your staff stays committed to your business’s growth. So, continue reading because this blog will highlight the significance of these programs for the success of your business empire.

Why do Employees Quit?

If you are business owner or a manager and are concerned on why your staff members are bidding farewell to your company then you are at the right place. It is a common problem that many organizations are experiencing today. Incorporating corporate wellness strategies is the ultimate solution. However, the first step in this journey is to take a look at things from your workforce’s point of view to figure out the concerns that could be forcing to them to leave.

  • Toxic Working Conditions

Negative work place environment is a leading cause of people wanting to say goodbye to their job. Despite liking their work, many people report quitting due to unhealthy team dynamics and a culture of excessive politics.

  • Communication Gap

Unnecessary hierarchical differences can also lead to a communication gap between the staff and their management.

  • Health Crisis

Overworking your employees ultimately ends in them being burnout with stress. This increases the rate of people falling ill as they feel emotionally and physically drained. Due to health crisis, individuals are then forced to take a break from their work life.

Does it Impact the Company?

Wondering whether or not to spend your annual budget on strategies like corporate meditation? Well, we are here to remind you on why you absolutely should! It shows that companies with low retention rates is destined for an inevitable downfall due to a number of reasons. Revolving door of employees will destroy the dynamics within your workers. It also means that your chances of losing capable and skilful employees are increasingly high. Not being able to preserve employment would also destroy your company’s reputation which would make it unattractive for accomplished professionals.

Incorporating Wellness Strategies

With all that being said, here is everything you need to know about these programs. Holistic therapies like various types of energy healing are a great way to ensure that your team’s emotional, physical and spiritual needs are being met properly. Corporate meditation is highly recommended as well due to its multifaceted advantages. People often opt for guided meditation as it is a plus for those who are new to the concept. Meditating under the guidance of a professional will make sure that you release all work-related stress that you have been carrying. Let’s take a closer look at some of the ways in which it will improve employee preservation.

  • Healthy Environment

The results of multiple surveys suggest that people value a healthy environment over other job benefits. Having good relationships with their fellow team members makes them want to stay with their organization.

  • Sense of Loyalty

An organization where worker’s well-being is valued increases the sense of loyalty the workers feel towards its growth. People work ten times harder and are motivated to accomplish all the given targets.

  • Professional Growth

It will make employees want to stay because working there is good for their career growth and experience level.

  • Health Benefits

Healthy and happy workforce also means that the number of people quitting due to health concerns will be far less. Being satisfied with their corporation will prevent them from leaving.

Wrapping It Up!

With Hopes that this article increased your awareness for the need of wellness activities, we invite you to bring your team to Home of Wellness’s corporate meditation sessions in Dubai. It would be a great experience to creatively bond with your team while also ensuring their satisfaction with your organization. Hoping to cater to your wonderful team soon!