The age of adolescence can be a challenging time in one’s life. It is the period of our life where we are trying to find ourself and comprehend our relationships with others. Managing academic pressure along with trying to find the right career, the right partner can make you feel stressed. In this article, we will talk about some of the problems our youth is facing today and how hypnotherapy can be of benefit for them.
Benefits of Hypnotherapy
Destruction of attention-span
If you are a teenager or someone in your early twenties like me, you can plausibly relate to the struggle of being addicted to Titktok or Instagram reels. Every other night, I promise myself that I will sleep early but somehow end up scrolling through ASMR videos for hours, till I hear the birds chirping, which makes me regret ever buying a phone in the first place. Completing a short assignment or a work-related project seems like a hefty task. It is dangerously funny, how even watching a 2-hour movie purely for entertainment is starting to seem impossible.
Major platforms like Instagram, Tiktok, and Youtube are now generating shorts. Many creators are pumping loads and loads of 1-to-2-minute videos. The enormous number of videos available elevates our addiction to it. We find ourselves, mindlessly scrolling reels for hours and hours. This addiction reduces our attention span. It makes concentrating on a singular task for more than a few minutes unachievable.
How does Hypnosis provide a solution?
- Hypnotherapist use many relaxation techniques which assist us in diverting our focus inwards. This heightens our overall ability to concentrate.
- One of the many aims of hypnosis is to help you develop control over your thoughts and actions. Self-control can be a significant tool to maximize your capability to focus.
Breaking the chains of bad Habits with Hypnotherapy
According to the research conducted by ‘American Addiction Centers’, 1 in every 100 young adult is suffering from addiction. Many young people often feel appalled to ask for help, due to the stigma associated with it. At Home of wellness, we aim to provide the solution as our hypnotherapy Dubai sessions are well known for providing a cure. Hypnosis is an effective way for altering bad habits such as smoking and drug abuse. Because it works by guiding you to break away from these habits on a subconscious level. By altering these habits, you can adapt to a healthier lifestyle.
Influence of fake portrayal of reality on our mental health
Networking sites have set unachievable trends of beauty and success for young people. The false portrayal of reality on digital media can make you compare your life to those of celebrities and influencers. This can make you insecure and lessen your self-confidence. Although comparison is a part of human nature it can very quickly become toxic for mental health, as we forget that people on these sites do not present the complete reality, but only a part of it. The unreal beauty standards set on social media is increasing body dysmorphia among young girls. This often leads to eating disorders as we are unconsciously trying to fit in the unreal criteria of beauty. The hustle mindset portrayed on digital media can also make us feel pressured about our personal and professional progress.
So, why consider hypnosis?
This comparison can result in a negative self-image which destroys our self-esteem. These negative beliefs are stored deep within our subconscious mind and can be hard to get rid of. Our Dubai hypnotherapy sessions can be the perfect anecdote because;
- its core function is to transform you on a subconscious level.
- It rewires your brain’s neural pathway replacing deeply rooted cynicism with a more positive outlook.
- by letting go of all the doubts you have about yourself, you become more empowered.
Mental Health Crisis
As claimed by many researchers, a mental health crisis is prevalent among youngsters. Due to variety of factors such as the one’s discussed above; many suffer from various mental illnesses. This impacts their emotional as well as physical health. These are often left undiagnosed and untreated. It can significantly lower your subjective wellbeing. Hence, it is necessary to find the right treatment which can cater to your concerns and free you from psychological distress. Our therapists provide the best hypnotherapy in Dubai, which can aid you in combating multiple diseases like
- Anxiety
- Ocd
- Adhd
- Depression
- Insomnia
- Eating Disorders
Wrapping it up
Hypnosis can help people of all ages but is a very beneficial and holistic approach for youngsters. If you are searching for ‘hypnotherapy near me’, look no further and contact us today for hypnotherapy Dubai cost and more details.