Happiness is a Choice!! But How to be Happy?
Happiness is a Choice!! But How to be Happy?
People say that they want to be happy, but the problem is that they often don’t really want to let go of the misery.
Misery sadness grief betrayal unforgiveness, unworthiness, lack of self-love, lower self-esteem are all the root causes of unhappy life and behaviour. We mostly waste our energy with fear and insecurity with jealousy & gossip & we forget to look within our self and heal our self. if we practice to say things from our heart and not from our head, we can be very very happy and successful. But How we can do it if the heart is blocked with negative emotions.
Healing the emotion superficially will not help. Only by going deep in the root cause of the events that create unhappiness will help to release the energy of sadness grief sorrow betrayal abuse unhappiness and anger and will recreate within you the positive self-realization and positive resources through the divine. This is what we learn and practice in courses in Home of Wellness.
With the profound research and knowledge of Home of Wellness, we are able to let go of our miseries and live a very very happy and successful life. The divine knowledge of Home of Wellness helps in bringing out a person’s true potential. Like a lotus grows from mud in search of sunshine in the same way the knowledge of the science of consciousness and karma yoga healing helps in rejuvenating your life in the highest and the best way.
Moods, feelings, emotions, pain, and pleasure, happiness and unhappiness are just thought waves in the mind and we have the ability to transform it with the very powerful tool of the ancient science of Karma Yoga as we can transform our lives and resolve our karmas of sadness and grief to lead a fulfilled life.
It is all about you. Without realizing who you are, happiness will not be attained. Mindfulness is important to achieve joy and bliss and to learn mindfulness you have to come and learn from a virtuous master who follows Guided Meditation.
Transformation doesn’t just happen. It is a journey. The Only thing that can make you happy is you yourself and not people, relationship, money or any external factor.
No one has the remote to make you happy or sad. Its how you feel about yourself. Actually, the sun is shining all the time. We only need to clear the clouds or rise above them. We need a technique to get rid of the negative unconscious pattern and the hidden self-blocks that block us from perceiving and choosing our birthright of happiness. And that’s what we teach and practice in Home of Wellness.
Happiness is a choice. It comes from the self-realization that we are complete in our self. Happiness is never found in circumstances, possessions or relationships. Each person, regardless of wealth, status, age, or religion has the hidden desire to be happy. The issue is that each person also forms a hidden or unconscious pattern that creates unhappiness.
We learn those patterns from the unhealed and traumatic memories of the past and we manifest our situations according to the unconscious beliefs that we have. Our seminars, we learn how to heal and transform our past to create a better future. As the science of consciousness and karma yoga healing empowers us to foresee the consequences of our actions before taking the actions. If the consequences are positive, we take and if we see the future of the action is negative, we can make a choice not to take it as it will create further difficulty and create more sadness and grief in our life.
How wonderful this technique is that you already know the consequences of our actions before taking them. how wonderful it would be to teach this technique to the new generations so that they can take the highest and the best choices of life.
We can recreate our own future and have a different reality full of joy and happiness and abundance. It may sound not real but it is absolutely achievable when we apply karma yoga in our own day to day life. Always remember that You can make a person laugh, smile, feel good but making someone happy is not in someone else’s control.
One has to have realization by themselves. And the best way is to learn Mindful meditation and techniques of Karma yoga healing & By regularly practising these techniques, one can drop the levels of cortisol which is a stress hormone and instead will produce Happy hormones like oxytocin and serotonin naturally in the body. You can be happy every day and it’s very simple.
Happiness is the biggest beauty secret. At Home of Wellness, you become the best version of yourself and being in the energy of the masters and learning How to Be Happy from them is a complete U-turn towards your happiness and beyond.
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