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Family Constellation For Relationship Issues


Constellation therapy deals with the dysfunctional dynamics in one’s family, which influences a person’s behavior and his or her relationships. This therapy holds unresolved difficulties in the system of families that can lead to severe damage in terms of emotional well-being and relationships between a person and other people.

The principle of family constellation therapy dubai is that family members are related to each other within a system that makes a contribution to their actions, ideas, and emotions. The therapy has the aim of uncovering and resolving these hidden dynamics, thus putting the family system in order and positively affecting relationships and psychological health.

How Does It  Work?

In constellation therapy, with the use of representatives symbolizing members and important relationships in one’s family, the dynamics of a family are reenacted. Facilitator takes a look at how such representatives interact with each other to discover hidden patterns and issues.


  1. Setting Up the Constellation

The client identifies a relationship problem or personal challenge they would like to work on. The therapist assists the client in choosing representatives to stand for family members and others in their life whom they need to include in the constellation.


  1. Dynamics Explorations

The representatives are asked to take positions in relation to one another and to interact with one another. The therapist observes and facilitates the process to identify hidden dynamics and conflicts. This stage helps uncover the root causes of the client’s issues.


  1. Resolution and Healing

The therapist facilitates finding resolutions and bringing balance to the family system. This mostly involves honoring the past, articulating the feelings, and creating new positive connections.


  1. Integration

The learning from the session is incorporated into the client’s life, thus empowering him to bring about changes and foster healthier relationships.


Benefits of Family Constellation

Relation constellation therapy offers several benefits to clients who are struggling in their relationships, which include the following:


  • Increased Self-Awareness

The client gains an understanding of the deeper family dynamics at play that affect his/her behavior and emotional responses.


  • Improved Relationships

Any unresolved family conflicts get resolved and bring about healthier and more satisfying relationships with one’s life partner, family, and other people.


  • Emotional Healing

In therapy, unresolved emotions that a person may have repressed or ignored find an outlet.


  • Restored Balance

A proper balance in the system of the family is restored again, and in most cases, there is a renewal in the feeling of clients’ lives.


  • Personal Growth Breakthroughs

Most of the time, clients have a breakthrough in personal growth and are able to look at life challenges from a totally different perspective.


At Home of Wellness, we realize that the right therapy and the practitioner are important in your healing process. Being one of the forefront providers of family constellation therapy Dubai, we offer a warm, supportive, and nurturing environment where issues related to relations can be explored and healed. Here are some reasons to choose home of wellness as a provider for family constellation therapy Dubai.


  • Experienced Therapists

We host very highly trained, experienced therapists in family constellation therapy Dubai. They promise to help you find out what has gone wrong in your relationships.


  • Personalized Approach

One thing we know is that everybody’s family dynamics are uniquely different. Our therapists personalize therapy to your specific needs, guaranteeing you personalized support and guidance in working through whatever comes up.


  • Comfortable Environment

In the Home of Wellness, we offer you comfort and security for having ease while looking into sensitive and deep family relationships.


  • Holistic Services

At Home of Wellness, we also look after holistic wellness services in Dubai in addition to family constellation therapy Dubai. These services range from mindfulness practices to stress management.



Family constellation therapy Dubai can deeply and sensitively examine the inner dynamics of the family system when dealing with relationship issues for the people in Dubai or any other part of the world. All forms of such therapy have been offering wide-ranging insights and resolutions into personal challenges, relationship conflicts, and emotional difficulties.

In Dubai, the Home of Wellness represents a place one should seek for family constellation Dubai. With our experienced therapists and individual approach in a supporting environment, we are a place where everybody feels comfortable to work with their relationships and feelings. So if you are tired of searching for family constellation therapy near me, simply visit us at home of wellness. Let our professionals help you according to your requirements.

If you are ready to begin the journey of self-discovery and healing, then let us invite you to reach out to Home of Wellness today. Allow us to guide you through the transformative relation constellation therapy on your way toward a more peaceful and enriching life.