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Exploring Different Types of Breathwork


One of the main reasons why breathwork is now widely used in holistic health is because it promotes mental, emotional and physical health. Derived from old cultures, it is a type of therapy that focuses on breathing patterns to facilitate stress relief, and personal introspection. Today there are many types of breathwork practiced based on both their therapeutic and health improvement purposes.

Different Types Of Breathwork

Controlled breathing is actually a general term that encompasses many styles of breathing techniques that may come from and be used for different things. This breath control includes basic to advanced styles from the yogic pranayama to today’s psychological methodologies. Such practices are intended to control breath with an intention of pacifying the mind, charging it with energy or to support the process of healing.

Types of breathwork that are used globally to enhance wellness and self-awareness:

1. Holotropic Controlled breathing

Coined in the 1970 s by psychiatrist Dr Stanislav Grof, Holotropic controlled breathing is a form of controlled breathing that was created for therapeutic purposes to induce deep profound emotional discharge and spiritual transformation. This method is a fast and rhythmic breathing method accompanied by special music to achieve a trance state. Evolvement enlightens oneself and integrates the unconscious behaviors, desires, and instincts into conscious one’s awareness in this state.

Holotropic controlled breathing sessions involve the use of a breath pattern and are conducted by specially trained people in groups or one on one. If you’re looking for breathwork near me, Holotropic controlled breathing is available at the Home of Wellness in Dubai with certified facilitators. It is the perfect pick for anyone who is looking to have feelings, get passionate or look for a change in the spiritual realm.

2. Pranayama

Pranayama, is an age-old breathing exercise technique coming down from the times of Yog and Ayurveda. It consists of a sequence of methods directed at controlling the breath, and thereby the life force, or ‘prana,’ within the human body. Pranayama could be mild in nature or it could be a vigorously incapacitating procedure relying upon the craftsmanship selected.

Some popular Pranayama techniques include:

Nadi Shodhana (Alternate Nostril Breathing): A stress busting procedure of equalizing the right and left cerebral hemispheres in order to counteract stress.

Kapalbhati (Skull Shining Breath): An effective purification therapy that can energize the human body as well as the spirit.

Bhramari (Bee Breath): A therapeutic process whose aim is to stabilize the autonomic nervous system, useful in treating conditions such as stress and sleeplessness.

3. Box Breathing

Box Breathing or Square Breathing can be extremely optimistic and effective to manage stress and to enhance concentration. It is often preferred by sportsmen and other achievers, armed forces and others, who have to deal with stress and pressure.

This technique involves filling the lungs with air for a count of four, retaining breath for a count of four, expiring air for a count of four and then retaining air for another count of four. The term ‘square’, or ‘box’ – speaks to the four sections of the breath cycle that are divided with equal time splits. It stimulates the parasympathetic nerves thus counterbalancing the stress hormones released in flight or fight response.This technique is perfect for people who wish to combat stress during the work day with little to no hassle.

4. Transformational Controlled Breathing

Transformational controlled breathing is a healing modality that can be characterized as breathing, movement and sound. It was created by Dr. Judith Kravitz in the 1970s and aims at freeing and opening emotional channels, and enabling an individual to feel love with oneself and the universe.

Participants are slowly walked through a cycle of rhythmic, deep breathing by the practitioners and taught how to let go of bad feelings and maintain an equilibrium. The technique got its name because the sessions make a person feel very focused and harmonized in their head and physical frame.

The types of breathwork above can be applied to help people with circumstances that have been traumatized, those who need to lower anxiety and have strong breathing normally.

Benefits of Controlled Breathing

Some of the key benefits include:

Stress Reduction: Controlled breathing aids in stimulating the parasympathetic nerves which helps diminish stress and anxiety.

Emotional Release: Holotropic and Transformational controlled breathing practices enable people to get to the roots of their feelings and let go of the tension they feel inside.

Improved Focus: Exercise like the Box Breathing can therefore help enhance the mental acuity and ability to focus.

Increased Energy: Practical methods like Kapalbhati Pranayama increase energy and help make sufficient supply of oxygen available in the body.

What To Expect From Controlled Breathing Sessions?

The environment is usually relaxing and conducive for learning with dim light and background music playing. An instructed execution of the asana practice is averted concurrently, participants are permitted to be aware of their own breath.

Typically, a session can range from 30 minutes through one full hour according to the method that is used. Even the basic tools may involve active phases that manifest themselves in the form of emotional climax, others are significantly more relaxing and meditative, like Pranayama.

If you want to know about the types of controlled breathing for improving your mental, emotional, and spiritual states visit Home of Wellness for professional advice. With options consisting of Pranayama for selling or Transformational controlled breathing, there is something for everyone in their journey to feeling whole.


Different types of breathwork have different benefits. Pranayama can contribute to the process of liberation. Holotropic controlled breathing seems as popular as Pranayama whether one is attracted to the aggressive charge of the latter or the soothing detect of the former. If you are interested in breathwork Dubai healing starting your practice, you may want to visit Home of Wellness based in Dubai to get the best breathwork healing depending on what you want.