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Energy Healing for Trauma Recovery


A wicked splash of wonder called trauma, which exists in various forms, can make a powerful impression on a human mind and body. The consequences of trauma can originate from the physical, emotionally or psychologically dimensions; the disruption it brings to the balance in one’s health system can extend to all aspects of one’s existence. Popularization of alternative ways of treatment follows the strong trend of ideology that override the conventional therapy which centers on the only symptomatic treatment. Therefore, some ailing people shift to complementary approaches and energy healing alongside the traditional treatment to aid the healing process. Here, we examine the point of connection between energy healing and trauma recovery, and we begin the exploration of the fullness of this path as one course to recovery and resilience.

Understanding Trauma

If trauma comes in different forms, ranging from the short term ones to those that last longer, you should be careful at what you don’t neglect after the initial event has gone. Regardless of the nature of trauma, be it physical injury or being tormented, the effect is the same, both the mind and body are disrupted because of the stress experienced afterwards. The trail left behind is the strong psychological distress and dysregulation of the systems in the body. Trauma reaction is not a choice, it is a biologically installed tool that leads to neurobiological chain of survival elements that later can be transformed into anxiety, depression, chronic pain among other conditions.

Conventional techniques have many drawbacks which can be a limiting factor along the way. Yet, there are traditional therapeutic solutions, that are typically are great in their own right, but tend to target or deal only with the top-level symptoms, instead of with exercising deep, energetic imbalances, that in turn create the prolonged existence of the trauma. A medication with psychotropic features only tends to give a short time relief from the symptoms, but it does not touch the root cause of distress. Likewise, the talk therapy highlights a safe harbor for the process of emotions and narratives; however, it may not reach the body’s image or access the deeper sheaths of energy trauma that are all stored inside it.

Natural Healing Through Energy Sessions

Energy system healing practices premise on the knowledge that the humans possess the energy system, which contains meridians, chakra, and subtle fields, which are the foundation of good health and vitality. An energy stop, displacements, disfigurations and disorders are caused by a trauma, that play a long-term role in producing suffering. Participating in energy healing modalities such as Reiki, Healing Touch, and EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) from a non-intrusive yet highly influential perspective, provides a means by which the harmony of the body mind torsion can be returned.

1. Releasing Blocked Energy:

Energy treatment techniques mainly focus on reducing stagnant energy which is blocked from the flow through the body, so it becomes possible for a person to truly feel the live force energy (chi and prana). The mechanism of energy dissipation will allow the sufferers to have full relief of body tension, mental discomfort, and emotional pain associated to trauma and PTSD.


2. Calming the Nervous System:

It is the same effect as violence that switches on the sympathetic system making the victims unable to relax due to the hyperarousal or dissociation. Energy therapies engage the parasympathetic system, whereby they evoke a fundamental sense of deep relaxation, thus it supports the body’s ability to heal itself while at the same time regenerating.


3. Reconnecting Mind, Body, and Spirit:

More often that not, the trauma creates a self-sensory disassociation, which makes an individual separate from the body and spirit. Energy healing creates uniting by means of making people to become alert to their body’s sensations, emotions and intuitive knowledge, making it possible for those who have been disjointed to restore their one-self and all the goodness within.

4. Cultivating Resilience:

The energy healing gives them the power to develop resilience and grants them with skills of self-care, self-regulation, and emotional balance- hence, leaving them with strong mental capability. This will involve strengthening the energetic boundary. With improved self-regulation skills, these individuals will be able to embark on the adventures of life with greater courage and grace.


The road to healing from trauma is long and challenging. Therefore, the need for a holistic approach is really important in this journey, as it helps us to realize that our thoughts, physical state, and inner self are all interdependent. Energy healing is a tender and maybe effective way by which a person investigates, uncovers, it’s the body’s inborn capacity to heal and, rebuild, the balance at every level of his being. People however can start a transformative path by dealing with mind-body energetic imprints of trauma and as a result they can feel wholeness, get more resilience and appear being confident.

Wrapping it up!

Post-trauma, with a competent ability to make one’s life unstable and blurry, doesn’t have to be someone’s ultimate ending. In the alchemical medicine, the energy healing becomes the most powerful catalyst, giving people a new force to regain their sovereignty and rewrite their life-story. Listen to the small, internal voice that leads us safely through our journey towards the bright coast of recovery and the new, bright horizon. If you are looking for energy healing sessions then visit home of wellness as we are one of the best wellness centers in Dubai.