Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Mindfulness Techniques of Science of Consciousness and Karma Yoga Healing
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Mindfulness Techniques of Science of Consciousness and Karma Yoga Healing
Over the last few decades, the field of psychology has moved toward evidence-based practice, there has been more attention in the media about the increasing adoption of cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT). Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is a type of talk therapy. with the series of talks with the trained therapist. Unhealthy behaviours and negative emotions can be identified. And the therapist helps to manage these. Actions thoughts and emotions all have a direct connection to health. In CBT it’s believed that If we make changes in one area the other will get healed and it’s believed that actions and thoughts are easily changed.
In Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, the emphasis is given on thoughts and actions so that the person starts selecting positive actions and thoughts and that will impact the emotions. It emphasizes is on rational thinking. The issue is that the CBT only emphasis on the present situation and changes of thoughts and actions are for the present only which is a temporary solution. The positive affirmations are very useful but don’t give a complete solution. Whereas in the science of consciousness and karma yoga healing the issue is healed from the root cause and after healing, the issue is resolved forever.
There are few cognitive Behavioral therapists who have started combining mindfulness with CBT. As in CBT at times it’s difficult to deal with certain thoughts and situations as they are stronger than the others so in that case, Mindfulness helps to cure the issue completely.
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) is a modified form that incorporates Mindfulness practices such as meditation and breathing exercises. Using these tools, MBCT therapists teach clients how to break away from negative thought patterns. But it’s still doesn’t give complete solution as not any meditation will help to rectify the issue. The problem will only get 100% resolved by applying the Mindfulness Technique and guided meditations of Karma yoga healing as it is structured and is backed by scientific research.
The research says that not even a single study is found where every participant was cured of all symptoms by CBT. It does tend to be effective in a limited number of conditions, but it is important to acknowledge the reality that it does not cure every symptom for every person. the outcome is temporary and superficial. The Cognitive Behavioral Therapy sessions are designed to end after 12-15 sessions for a particular issue.
We heal the emotions stored in the source memory of the issue which create a karmic pattern that needs to be first identified and then healed properly by ancient meditational techniques. If you approach all problems from the karmic level, you will see why your problems exist and why people are doing what they are doing. In Karma Yoga healing we cure the issue by going to the root of the event and working intensely on the emotions stored. This technique helps you in discovering yourself and empowering your mind to take control and to make the proper action and complete yourself in all spheres of life, be it health, wealth and relationship.
Intense research is been done on the technique by the Home of Wellness and it has helped millions of people across the globe to come out of their issues 100%. Every person who has either attended the seminars and retreats with Home of Wellness or has taken personal Sessions have been cured completely of their issues related to health, wealth, relationship issues, business, job, money, depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, Hypothyroid, Insomnia, chronic pains, Wilson’s disease(rarest of the diseases in the world), schizophrenia, Parkinson’s and many more.
At Home of Wellness, we teach ancient meditation technique along with modern Neuro-linguistic Patterning and mind-model techniques to resolve issues from the source. This is not just about spiritual or faith healing, but a mindful transformation where one channels the divine consciousness, whether we call it God or Allah or Christ consciousness or Buddha consciousness or Shiva consciousness, all are the same.
It involves healing the source memory of emotional traumas that your body has unconsciously stored in the form of suppressed energy, fears and perceptions that create negative defence mechanisms and accordingly you attract situations, diseases, and people in your life. Transformation happens in a deep meditative state with the guidance of a certified Karma Yoga Healing Practitioner. And the good news is that you can learn the technique yourself by attending the seminars. In that way, you will be empowered to resolve the issues. Of course, initially, you will require guidance and our trained practitioners and teachers who are more than happy to assist in the process of healing.
Another assumption of CBT is that changing one’s thinking patterns can improve one’s mood or decrease the symptoms of a mental disorder. Unfortunately, this does not happen always. One cannot always think of themselves better. They require a proper structured and scientific technique to heal the root cause of the thought pattern. Research on CBT shows that attempting to get people to think more positively can backfire and make them feel even more unhappy than before. Though positive affirmations are good but don’t cure the situation completely.
In Cognitive behavioural therapy, there is no room for completely working on a relationship issue, childhood memories and traumatic incidences, which most of the time Client really wants to share and get healed off.. whereas in Home of Wellness we are able to heal all the issues. It’s seen that a very first session with the practitioners and Masters of our academy have amazing results on the client. The session may vary from 1-6 sittings and in rare cases little more, depending on the severity of the issue.
The New age psychologists have started incorporating Mindful technique of Science of consciousness and Karma Yoga Healing in their approach to help their clients completely.
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