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How Access Bars Can Clear Your Energy Blocks?


In modern life, mental noise, emotional distortion, and energy Density can make a person truly bored and feel that something is wrong. Access bars or access consciousness is the perfect solution to anyone who can scourge the world looking for an opportunity to recharge their batteries and rejuvenate. This amazing method is practiced at Home of Wellness in Dubai to unlock trapped energy to enhance your quality of life and open channels for more opportunities.

Lets Understand It More

Access consciousness is a form of body energy healing that involves running a gentle touch over 32 points on the head. These points, or Bars, hold the electromagnetic energy of your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. Storing negative or limiting thoughts in the energy field overtime shapes energetic blockages which may show up as stress, anxiety or even aches.

The access consciousness has limited points on the head that are gently touched to free up this energy and practitioners claim to eliminate the bars. This process can cause a feeling of a clear and peaceful mind, and stable emotions. At Home of Wellness, competent trainers conduct access bars Dubai for participants based on their needs, which shifts people out of old programs and into choice.

How Do They Work?

It involves a trained practitioner lightly touching specific points on the head, each of them indicating an area of your life, such as joy, money, creativity, and so on, while you lie down. This touch allows the body to let out the accumulated energy in the same way a computer hard drive is ‘erased’ of unwanted files.

The effect is one of buoyancy, as the spirit and muscular structure release the miscellaneous pressure that may be collected over a given day. Others say it has such a calming effect it is like pushing the ‘hybridize’ button on the human system.

All the sessions are contact free and as such all age groups and races can be enrolled in the session. Whether you are suffering from confused thinking, stress or just wanting to unlock more possibilities in your life, access bars readings can facilitate change.

Benefits of Access Consciousness

Processing of energetic blocks can result in various changes in one’s life. Here are some key benefits:

  • Reduces Stress and Anxiety

Another apparent change with access consciousness is the elimination or at least lessening of stress and anxiety. The soft touch on the Bars allows one to ease and bring relaxation into your mind and body.

  • Enhances Mental Clarity

One has a clear ability to focus, creativity, and make good decisions when energy is cleared. Most people report that after they get out of the game they are able to think more coherently and look at problems in the game with relative ease.

  • Supports Emotional Healing

Access bars sessions can clear away mental and emotional programming and facilitate letting go of past traumas in order to experience life in a more enjoyable way.

  • Improves Physical Well-being

When the blocks of energy have been removed, then the body’s restore mechanisms are initiated. Some customers find that their chronic pain or discomfort in the muscles reduces a day or so after the sessions.

  • Expands Conscious Awareness

It is not a therapy, it is a way to generate more of what you want. When you remove limitations, you widen your outlook, and increase your star consciousness and the ways you may tap into the universe.


The sort of things for you to expect in any access bars Dubai sessions at the Home of Wellness.

Home of Wellness, which has been established as a wellness center in Dubai, access bars Dubai takes place under a calm and encouraging setup. Here’s what you can expect:

  1. Initial Consultation: Before talking about sessions, it is necessary to mention that the first session is always devoted to the discussion of such issues as goals and interlocutor’s concerns. This leads to the situation where the practitioner is able to organize your session in accordance with your requirements.
  2. Relaxation Process: To perform the 32 Bars, you will relax on a backrest while the practitioner makes light contact with your head.
  3. Release and Realignment: By the time the session is being conducted, one may experience what feels like warmth, tingle or coolness, or most probably deep relaxation once the energy blockages have been cleared.
  4. Post-Session Insights: Most people experience a certain ‘come alive’ which is equivalent to the lifted feeling and it usually lasts much longer after the session.


If you’re looking for a way to lessen stress, get more effective results out of your choices, or search for more connection to yourself, the access consciousness can be instrumental. You should try it, it is very simple, but the efficacy is through the roof, as far as releasing heavy energy and harnessing personal power is concerned.

From executives to stay at home mothers and even teenagers, many people from various parts of life have smiled again after being touched by this technique at Home of Wellness. With access consciousness  expertise, you can start your process of liberation toward clarity, peace, and joy. Get started on the journey of a rich life experience today. Check out how access bars Dubai prepares for stunning possibilities at the Home of Wellness.