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Healing the Inner Child Through Human Design Therapy


Our inner child contains from a person’s early childhood memories of the significant models and the experiences that can forge one’s behaviors, relationships, and personal image in adulthood. Mitigation of these ingrained injuries is often liberating, and one of the new approaches to dealing with these problems is human design therapy also known as HDT. This powerful modality enables people to obtain extremely valuable information about working with the natural frequencies within, talents, and driving forces on the level of the soul, as well as spiritual paths to healing the inner child. In the blog, we will unveil how HDT can assist you in identifying and healing your inner child’s wounds. If you are searching for human design near me to heal your inner child, Home of Wellness in Dubai is the best choice for you..

Human Design, also known as individual design, is an individualist system similar to astrology, the I Ching, the Kabbalah, and the chakra system in which a person’s chart is determined by their birth data and makes use of the above-mentioned models. Called the ‘Body Graph’ this chart gives you the perception of how you function from a particular perspective, especially how you relate with the world or environment. They will illuminate the chart in front of you, your purpose of life, your decision making factor and the kind of emotions one goes through.

Individual design defines five energy types which include: Generators, Manifestors, Projectors, Reflectors and each of them has its own advantages and vices. HDT can help you understand how certain energy types affect relationships, behavior and internal emotional programmes, so it is a perfect tool to deal with childhood traumas.

HDT For Inner Child Healing

The term ‘inner child’ resembles the idea of a segment of the subconscious which contains some memories, feelings and patterns coming from childhood. Such memories are linked to past abuse, abandonment or lack of emotional care, that is, numerous problems like instability, anxiety, and self-destructiveness in adulthood. HDT helps in a systematic and planned way to face and address these injuries.

Understanding Emotional Conditioning

There is something known as conditioning as a child which is another facet of Individual design that looks at the patterns that develop in a child and how they affect their adulthood. There are centers in the body graph of each individual that symbolize his or her optimized opportunities for development. The open centers are where we take in energies from the outside world and we can get influenced by our surroundings especially when young. For instance, if a child was raised in an environment containing unresolved anger or fear, then such feelings may be imprinted on this child’s open centers, causing the same type of feelings and corresponding behaviors in the adult.

HDT, on the other hand, will enable you to identify where this conditioning took place while providing you with methods through which you can let it go. In this case, awareness helps you find yourself again without the ideals of the previous relationships in your head.

Get To Know Your True Self

In our everyday life,  the demands of society, families and culture force us to be what we are not. Culturally, most of us when we try to fit in, we become a recipe for a fake self. Connection issues with who we are is one of the leading causes of Inner Child wounding.

HDT is aimed to introduce a person to his or her tendencies and features. For example, if your design indicates that you are a Generator, but you are a person who was born and raised to become an Analytical or Amended, coming back to the creative part will be liberating. When you mirror your true self, it is possible to heal one’s inner child because the real self has not undergone any programming.

Shifting One’s Mindset from Negative Self Belief

Limiting beliefs are based on the experiences that were established in childhood when we incorporate others’ negative words into ourselves. These beliefs hinder our growth and limit one from reaching one’s potential and the symptoms may include low self-esteem, fear, self-doubt among others. By using the HDT, one is able to unearth and tear down these self-constructs by having the map of one’s authentic self.

There are a lot of advantages when it comes to using natural therapies for healing. Such is HDT, a holistic way to heal your inner child. So if you are in Dubai and searching for human design near me, home of wellness is the best choice for you.

Benefits of HDT in Inner Child Healing

The process of inner child healing through HDT offers several benefits::

Increased Self-Awareness

That way you are more in touch with your past behavior and the ways it impacted your life in the present to be able to make the right choices that reflect your innately designed self.

Emotional Freedom

When you pay attention and let go of conditioning associated with specific emotions, you no longer carry the childhood hurts. This results in development of high emotional intelligence and hence enhances peace.

Improved Relationships

Another benefit of healing the inner child is that, by starting to address one’s feelings and emotions from a clean slate, other relationships are healthier because people start responding from the heart and not from anger or resentment. HDT focuses on how the energy works, which will assist you in having better relationships.

Enhanced Decision-Making

Learning how to properly make decisions depending on the energy type. With more clarity, you are able to navigate the mainstream of life with positive disposition and conviction knowing that what you practice is a reflection of your authentic self.


For all those who want human design therapy Dubai, Home of Wellness has the most professional trained practitioners. At the center, people who seek to embrace the inner child in them and or even those who want to embrace their true self are welcome. Whether you are a Generator, Manifestor, Projector, or Reflector, Home of Wellness is very much responsive and supportive for your healing path. If you are searching for human design near me, Home of wellness is where you should be.

Healing the inner child means re-owning personal power and achieving emotional liberation. HDT provides an individualized method to this healing so you can free yourself from childhood programming and fully become who you really are. If you are searching for human design near me, Home of Wellness located in Dubai is the best place for you to opt for.