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Sound Healing for Children and Teenagers


If you are a parent or a guardian you can most likely relate to constantly feeling concerned about the wellness of your child. As a parent, all we want to do is provide in every way that we can to ensure the health and happiness of our kids. You are always determined to find better ways to support your children in overcoming any challenges they may face. With the plethora of research available online, more parents are becoming aware about the benefits of alternative healing therapies such as sound healing as these are non-intrusive, and have proven to have no side-effects that could pose a threat to your child’s growth. In this article, we will take a deep dive into the world of vibrations to understand how our sound healing Dubai session can be of help for children and teenagers.

In a sound healing session, various instruments such as signing bowls, tuning forks, bells and a bunch of other equipment are utilized to produce sounds of certain frequencies. These sounds can alternate brain chemistry by slowing its activity, leading our bodies into a profound state of ease. In this state, the circulation of energy is activated and body’s natural healing ability is also reinstated that could have been disturbed due to some sort of stressors. Hence, it can be the ideal pathway to relax nervous system.

The Advantages of Sound Healing Therapy For Kids

If you have made the clever choice of opting for holistic healing, you must be wondering which one to choose, as there are quite a few alternative therapies that have proven to be advantageous for kids. One of the top ones is our sound healing Dubai session. If you are confused on how this therapy will help your child, I recommend performing a simple experiment. Just play your child’s favorite poem when they are throwing a fit and watch them immediately stop crying and zone out. Same is the case for a teenager, blast their favorite music in the car and their mood is sorted for the rest of the ride.

Ever wondered why that happens? Well, it is because music is made up of a bunch of sounds vibrating at different frequencies. Similar is the case for human body. We are also made of millions of cells that are vibrating continually. So, sound waves can interact with different parts of our bodies as well as our brains and provoke various reactions. Enough about the process! let’s take a look at the wonders this therapy can perform for your child.

  • Strengthens concentrating ability

With technological advancements, most kids today have easy access of various video games and tv shows. Due to this, their brains are constantly overstimulated by the sensory effects. This leads to hyperactivity in their brain, emotional instability, and a decrease in attention span. You must be familiar with the term ‘iPad kids’, used on social media to describe kids who are addicted to their iPad and will throw a tantrum if you try to take it away from them. Sound healing mediation can help. Through the use of certain frequencies, a healer assists their clients in relaxing their overactive brains. This leads to an increase in the ability to focus which could help your teenagers in their studies as well.

  • Establishing an emotional balance

if you are currently in the process of raising a pre-teen or a teenager, you will already know that these years are significant for their mental growth as they are learning about themselves and their association with others. In this process, they may face many challenges such as learning difficulties, pressure of studies, fear of not fitting in, and the feeling of anxiety in making friends. Our Sound Healing Dubai program can be a safe space for kids to express their emotions. Through the use of certain sounds, the pent-up feeling feelings are released and a cathartic effect is achieved. So, your child can experience life to the fullest.

  • Development of cognitive skills

The interaction of the vibrations with parts of brain can ignite creativity and passion in the child. It also promotes the development of linguistic learning. It can also be of assistance for neurodiverse children, as it soothes the overstimulated mind.

Let’s wrap it all up

Sound Healing Dubai can offer multi-dimensional benefits that range from calming the nervous system to development of social and cognitive skills. So, if you are a parent and are looking for this therapy in Dubai, we encourage you to contact us at Home of Wellness today!