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The Synergy of Numerology and Tarot


Numerology comprises of two systems or sciences that are among the oldest and most intriguing arts of acquiring knowledge. Each one is a noble method of personal insight and direction by itself, but together they provide even more if we spend time analyzing each life and the universe around us. If asynchronous approaches are adopted, by learning the semantics of the numbers and symbols used, we can improve our capabilities of interpreting numerology and tarot.

The Basics of Numerology

It is considered a branch of knowledge that deals with certain numbers, which possess certain mystic and divine powers or qualities. The significance of numbers is based on the concept that every digit holds an energy that impacts our character, fate, and experiences.

Life Path Number: It is derived from the birthdate and reflects the significant purpose and ambition in a person’s life.

Expression Number: Based on the original name, it will help a person realize its own hidden potential.

Soul Urge Number: Based on the vowels in the full name, this shows what a person actually wants.

Personality Number: Derived from the consonants in the full name, it depicts how you are seen by other people.

The Basics of Tarot

Tarot is a collection of 78 cards divided between the Minor and Major Arcanas, incorporating images symbolizing various meanings. The deck is divided into two parts:


Major Arcana: 22 cards that are grouped according to the aspects of the life cycle and the spiritual pathways.

Minor Arcana: Consisting of 56 cards, divided into four suits that represents experiences in an individual’s life.

Each card has its specific significance, providing insight into different issues such as love, studies, work, and self-development, among others.


Integrating Numerology and Tarot

It is significant to note that it is possible to use numerology and Tarot in conjunction with each other for completeness and the manifestation of certain activities, tasks, or aims. Together with numerology, which is also related to the mystical, tarot provides profound knowledge. Here’s how they intersect:


Numerical Associations: Every tarot card has a numerical implication that corresponds to numerological meanings. For instance, the Magician arcana is assigned the number one, which signifies new beginnings and individualism, among others.

Life Path Numbers and Major Arcana: The meaning of numerology can be related to an individual Major Arcana card. For example, the Life Path Number 3 corresponds to the Empress card, symbolizing creativity, attention to detail, and prosperity.

Minor Arcana and Numerology: The Minor Arcana cards also carry numerical values. For instance, since the number 4 often relates to structure and grounding, when it appears in tarot cards (such as the fourth card in a particular suit), it is likely to carry the numerological meaning of 4.

Birth Cards: Learn how to determine your birthdate’s numerological value and discover the appropriate tarot card(s). This can highlight essential themes and learning moments in your life.

When Using Numerology and Tarot in Readings

Enhancing Interpretations: Include numerology results in your tarot readings for added meaning. For instance, if you have the Seven of Swords and Chariot in a spread, consider the symbolism of the number 7, which is associated with concepts such as contemplation and inner expansion.

Personalized Readings: Readings should be adapted to the numerological configuration of the querent. The specifications of the Life Path, Expression, and Soul Urge numbers can enhance the interpretation of the tarot cards drawn.

Yearly Forecasts: For yearly forecasts, combine numerology and tarot. Add the month and date the question was asked and select a tarot card that signifies the year’s major issues for the querent.


Tarot and numerology complement each other very well as they allow us to delve into ourselves and the ways of the world. By understanding the elemental and symbolic significance of numbers, one can extract a deeper dimension of orientation and introspection. Whether clients are searching for career and life purposes, seeking their heart’s true desires, or struggling with daily challenges, numerology and tarot together represent a comprehensive process of spiritual and personal transformation. Embrace these ancient practices and use their insights to help you on your journey.