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Scholarship Application

Greetings! Very happy to know that you have chosen to change your Life.


We are grateful to be able to offer energy exchange opportunities allowing scholarships to be available to as many as possible. If you receive an energy exchange offer, you will have 7 days to place the minimum deposit and claim the exchange before it would become available to other person 


You may register on website directly, or write an email to info@youhomeofwellness.com stating the session you wish to have and reason for requirement of scholarship.

Serious candidates who have a strong will and commitment to change their karma can apply for scholarship if they have genuine financial constraints. The approval for scholarship is subject to management decision.

The requests are usually processed within 1-2 days.

Yes, group offers can be availed, which varies depending on the number of people.

No, the person concerned itself must approach for scholarship , stating genuine reason.